The day was beautiful weather like “Jose and Leyla“ (if you know them, you know what I mean.)
They said they were so hungry for shopping because they haven`t bought anything since they came to Japan, so they started digging.
For me, they looked having a good time with trying on and “tasting“ so many items. They remind me “the meaning of shopping“ that I have been picturing in my mind.
They left our store with tons of shopping bags and their big smile........
Thank you sooooo much Jose and Leyla!!!!!!!
ショップ店内&商品をとても丁寧に・・・そして正しく見てくれる姿勢、そして何度も何度も楽しそうに試食(試着)を繰り返してくれる彼を見て、私自身が思い描く”本来のカイモノ”の原点そして素晴らしさを改めて実感・・・そして再確認させられた、とても素敵な1日でした。 Jose and Leyla!!ホントにアリガトウね。